Listen as Christian and Kara Fortner, a young composer and young choir director respectively, interview other music educators in order to gain insight into their own success in the classroom. Whether you teach choir, band, orchestra, or something else, all are welcome!
Newest Episode
#47: Vocal Pedagogy for the Choral Ensemble | With Francis Cathlina

Dr. Francis Cathlina, Director of Choral Activities at the University of Memphis, joins us on the latest episode of Beyond the Measure.
Meet Your Hosts:
Christian & Kara Fortner

Christian and Kara Fortner are young musicians who want to make the world a better place through music. They both want to learn as much as they can about music education, which is why they started Beyond the Measure! They met as music majors at Hardin-Simmons University and have been married for three years. Christian composes both choral and orchestral works, and Kara teaches 6th – 8th grade choir at a Madison Middle School in Abilene, Texas. They currently reside in Abilene with their Mini Aussie, Lady.